Key references
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Physics-Informed Neural Nets for Control of Dynamical Systems. Neurocomputing. 579
(1014.48 KB) .

On Learning Navigation Behaviors for Small Mobile Robots With Reservoir Computing Architectures. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems. 26:763-780.
(5.14 MB) .

Learning Slow Features with Reservoir Computing for Biologically-inspired Robot Localization. Neural Networks. 25:178-190.
(2.77 MB) .

Reservoir Computing Architectures for Modeling Robot Navigation Systems.
(21.33 MB) .

Generative Modeling of Autonomous Robots and their Environments using Reservoir Computing. Neural Processing Letters. 26:233–249.
(8.43 MB) .

Export 5 results:
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On Learning Navigation Behaviors for Small Mobile Robots With Reservoir Computing Architectures. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems. 26:763-780.
(5.14 MB)
Learning Slow Features with Reservoir Computing for Biologically-inspired Robot Localization. Neural Networks. 25:178-190.
(2.77 MB)
Learning navigation attractors for mobile robots with reinforcement learning and reservoir computing. Proceedings of the X Brazilian Congress on Computational Intelligence (CBIC).
(1.98 MB)
Supervised Learning of Internal Models for Autonomous Goal-oriented Robot Navigation using Reservoir Computing. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation. :2959-2964.
(1.46 MB)
On Different Learning Approaches with Echo State Networks for Localization of Small Mobile Robots. Proceedings of the IX Brazilian Conference on Neural Networks (CBRN).
(462.83 KB)
Modular reservoir computing networks for imitation learning of multiple robot behaviors. Proc. of the IEEE Int. Symp. on Computational Intelligence in Robotics and Automation (CIRA). :27-32.
(2.34 MB)
Towards Autonomous Self-localization of Small Mobile Robots using Reservoir Computing and Slow Feature Analysis. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC). :3818–3823.
(2.76 MB)
Unsupervised Learning in Reservoir Computing: Modeling Hippocampal Place Cells for Small Mobile Robots. ICANN '09: Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks. 5768:747-756.
(1.12 MB)
Event detection and localization for small mobile robots using reservoir computing. Neural Networks. 21:862–871.
(2.68 MB)
Imitation Learning of an Intelligent Navigation System for Mobile Robots using Reservoir Computing. Proceedings of the 10th Brazilian Symposium on Neural Networks (SBRN). :93-98.
(1.14 MB)
Mobile Robot Control in the Road Sign Problem using Reservoir Computing Networks. Proceedings of the IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation (ICRA). :911-916.
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Modeling Multiple Autonomous Robot Behaviors and Behavior Switching with a Single Reservoir Computing Network. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics. :1843–1848.
(813.18 KB)
Event detection and localization in mobile robot navigation using reservoir computing. Artificial Neural Networks -- ICANN 2007. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 4669:660-669.
(294.37 KB)
Experiments with Reservoir Computing on the road sign problem. Proceedings of the VIII Brazilian Congress on Neural Networks (CBRN).
(221.65 KB)
Generative Modeling of Autonomous Robots and their Environments using Reservoir Computing. Neural Processing Letters. 26:233–249.
(8.43 MB)