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Imitation Learning of an Intelligent Navigation System for Mobile Robots using Reservoir Computing

on Thu, 09/29/2016 - 19:51
TitleImitation Learning of an Intelligent Navigation System for Mobile Robots using Reservoir Computing
Publication TypeConference Proceedings
Year of Conference2008
AuthorsAntonelo EA, Schrauwen B, Stroobandt D
Conference NameProceedings of the 10th Brazilian Symposium on Neural Networks (SBRN)

The design of an autonomous navigation system for mobile robots can be a tough task. Noisy sensors, unstructured environments and unpredictability are among the problems which must be overcome. Reservoir Computing (RC) uses a randomly created recurrent neural network (the reservoir) which functions as a temporal kernel of rich dynamics that projects the input to a high dimensional space. This projection is mapped into the desired output (only this mapping must be learned with standard linear regression methods). In this work, RC is used for imitation learning of navigation behaviors generated by an intelligent navigation system in the literature. Obstacle avoidance, exploration and target seeking behaviors are reproduced with an increase in stability and robustness over the original controller. Experiments also show that the system generalizes the behaviors for new environments.

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