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Modeling Multiple Autonomous Robot Behaviors and Behavior Switching with a Single Reservoir Computing Network

on Thu, 09/29/2016 - 19:51
TitleModeling Multiple Autonomous Robot Behaviors and Behavior Switching with a Single Reservoir Computing Network
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2008
AuthorsAntonelo EA, Schrauwen B, Stroobandt D
Conference NameProceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics
Date PublishedOct.
Conference LocationSingapore
ISBN Number978-1-4244-2383-5

Reservoir Computing (RC) uses a randomly created Recurrent Neural Network as a reservoir of rich dynamics which projects the input to a high dimensional space. These projections are mapped to the desired output using a linear output layer, which is the only part being trained by standard linear regression. In this work, RC is used for imitation learning of multiple behaviors which are generated by different controllers using an intelligent navigation system for mobile robots previously published in literature. Target seeking and exploration behaviors are conflicting behaviors which are modeled with a single RC network. The switching between the learned behaviors is imple- mented by an extra input which is able to change the dynamics of the reservoir, and in this way, change the behavior of the system. Experiments show the capabilities of Reservoir Computing for modeling multiple behaviors and behavior switching.
