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Participação em live - Workshop: Desafios e oportunidades do ChatGTP na medicina

on Mon, 04/24/2023 - 15:31

Este Workshop visa auxiliar profissionais da saúde a entenderem como o ChatGPT e outras ferramentas de Chatbot podem ser utilizadas como aliadas no seu dia-a-dia de trabalho, estudo e atividades acadêmicas. O workshop abordará informações essenciais como usar comandos no ChatGPT e no Bing AI para auxiliar em atividades de aprendizado, pesquisa e assistência clínica. Além disso, os participantes vão entender as principais potencialidades e limitações do uso destas ferramentas aplicadas ao setor da saúde.

Entrevista à Record SC

on Tue, 04/04/2023 - 16:44

Fui entrevistado em março de 2023 pela Record SC sobre o ChatGPT: 


Entrevista à Folha de São Paulo

on Fri, 02/24/2023 - 15:16

Fui entrevistado pela Folha de São Paulo sobre aprendizado por imitação (tema de pesquisa que abordamos em conjunto com veículos autônomos), e sobre a técnica usada no bot de minecraft da OpenAI. Apesar da matéria ter ficado imprecisa em relação a minha entrevista, o link se encontra abaixo:


The best performance so far on OpenAI Gym CarRacing

on Fri, 02/10/2023 - 18:43

Master student Irving Petrazzini, supervised by me, proposed PPO with the Beta distribution in 2021, surpassing the state-of-the-art on the CarRacing environment from OpenAI Gym. Check our paper for more details:

Entrevista à Agência Brasil

on Thu, 02/09/2023 - 21:09

Fui entrevistado pela Agência Brasil em janeiro de 2023 sobre o ChatGPT:



Joining the Department of Automation and Systems at UFSC as professor adjunto

on Mon, 01/20/2020 - 13:25

On December 2019,  I have joined the Department of Automation and Systems at Federal University of Santa Catarina in Florianópolis, Brazil as professor of Artificial Intelligence.
I will teach courses for undergraduate students of Automation and Control Engineering on Artificial Intelligence, Algorithms and Data Structures, and Programming.
On the graduate level (PGEAS), I will teach courses on AI and Machine Learning.

In terms of research, I will continue investigating Machine Learning and Neural networks approaches mainly for intelligent robotics, and data-driven modeling in oil and gas

Entrevista concedida sobre Inteligência Artificial

on Fri, 08/30/2019 - 16:29

Segue o link abaixo para a entrevista sobre Inteligência Artificial concedida em maio de 2019 para a revista Texto Livro: Linguagem e Tecnologia:


ICAPS Summer school in Noordwijk, The Netherlands

on Tue, 06/19/2018 - 10:31

From June 20 to June 23 (2018), I am pleased to attend the ICAPS summer school in Noordwijk, the International Summer School on Planning and Scheduling.


ESNs short course in Sweden

on Sun, 12/03/2017 - 13:27

Invited by prof. Thorsteinn Rognvaldsson, from December 4th to December 8th (2017), I have given a project-based short course on Echo State Networks (Reservoir Computing) for PhD students/postdocs at Halmstad University, Sweden.


Participation in the DLSS & RLSS in Montreal on June 25th

on Fri, 06/16/2017 - 14:09

Next week, I will leave to Montreal, Canada in order to attend the MILA Deep Learning and Reinforcement Learning Summer Schools (DLSS & RLSS).

I am very glad I will be learning the state-of-the-art in these top-notch summer schools at the University of Montreal.



Joining the University of Luxembourg as a Research Associate

on Thu, 12/15/2016 - 09:18

After some period in the Deparment of Automation and Systems at Federal University of Santa Catarina, and the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the same university, I have joined as a research associate the SnT - Interdisciplinary Centre for Security, Reliability and Trust - at the University of Luxembourg. There, I will initially work in the project with Choice Technologies Holding, devising machine learning methods for fraud detection in energy distribution networks.


Presentation at CENPES - Petrobrás during the V Oil and Gas Production Optimization Workshop

on Thu, 05/12/2016 - 18:42

I have given a presentation on "Dynamical neural networks for data-driven soft-sensor modeling (in oil wells)" showing the lastest research on creating dynamical models (Echo State Networks) with real-world oil well data, during the
V Oil and Gas Production Optimization Workshop at CENPES - Petrobrás, Rio de Janeiro, the largest research center in Latin America.

The presentation can be downloaded here.

More information: